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One Mindful Day | Ajahn Sadaro

02/11/2024 @ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm UTC+10

Free One Day Meditation Retreat

Ever wanted just one day of peace? Feel like your life and responsibilities never seem to stop or even pause? Would you like to take just one day out for yourself to relax and spend some time meditating without any other worries? You can put everything down for the day and come to the free meditation retreat offered at the Buddhist Society of Victoria’s meditation centre.

On the One Mindful Day Retreat, you will receive multiple guided meditation sessions by an experienced Buddhist monk to quieten your restless thoughts through developing mindfulness, calm, contentment and acceptance. Also, you will also have the opportunity to improve the quality of your heart and mind by developing other areas of a healthy and well-balanced mindful life. These include:

  • Meditation discussion groups (develop community and friendship)
  • Individual question time with a Buddhist monk (develop wisdom)
  • Shared communal lunch (practicing generosity and sharing)

This free one-day meditation retreat from 9am to 4pm is suitable for those who are new or interested in learning meditation, or for those who have just begun a meditation journey and want to improve their practice. You will have the opportunity to ask an experienced Buddhist monk your own questions about meditation. Attendance for the full day is not required, feel free to come according to your schedule. Registration is also not required.

Note: Please bring a plate of food that will be included in the shared communal lunch (anything is fine)

Programme for the Day:

0900 Start: outline and guidelines of the day
0930 Guided meditation (sitting: noble silence time)
1000 Guided meditation (walking/standing: noble silence time)
1030 Guided meditation (sitting: noble silence time)
1045 Prepare for lunch
1100 Shared communal lunch (bring a plate)
1200 Guided meditation (sitting: noble silence time)
1300 Group discussion
1330 Guided meditation (walking/standing: noble silence time)
1400 Guided meditation (lying down: noble silence time)
1430 Individual questions
1500 Guided meditation (sitting: noble silence time)
1530 Group questions
1600 End

Mobile Phones
Participants are kindly requested to put away their phones.
To support Noble Silence, we won’t have Q&A after the Dhamma Talks & Guided Meditation. So please write down your questions or comments a they occur to you during the day and place them in the box in the foyer.  They will be answered during the last session for the day, between 3.30 – 4.30 pm.

Please bring a plate of food that will be included in the shared communal lunch (anything is fine). Tea/coffee will be provided.
Tea Breaks
Please take individual tea breaks when you need them, so as to minimise congregating & talking. The beverage station is located next door to the meditation hall.

All are very welcome!  Registration not required.

There is a car park at the back of Buddhaloka Centre which can be accessed via Terminus lane. Please be PARTICULARLY mindful when parking on the streets around the Centre and ensure that you do not obstruct driveways in any way.

Online Participation:
The series is being made available for online participation via ZOOM, however we do encourage those who live in Melbourne to attend in person.
Meeting ID: 832 1132 4233 | Passcode: 285150 | ZOOM LINK


9:00 am - 4:00 pm UTC+10
Event Categories:
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Buddhaloka Centre
71 Darling Road
Malvern East, VIC 3145 Australia
+ Google Map
03 9571 6409
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