Announcements & Updates

NBM 10th Anniversary Celebrations

by | Aug 8, 2024 | BCM, NBM, ONLINE

Let’s celebrate NBM’s 10th Anniversary together


The BSV committee invites everyone to join the 10th anniversary Celebration. The event will be held at NBM. Please consider car pool with your friends.

Date:      Saturday 7th September 2024
Time:     10am – 2pm
Venue:  Newbury Buddhist Monastery, 107 Beaches Ln, Newbury Vic.

All are welcome. Registration is required (for catering purpose, cakes will be provided)

If you’d like to provide food for Dana, please let us know how many people you plan to cater for. This will help us ensure there is enough food for everyone.

We will have pindapāta and offering lunch dana to the Monastics and Communal lunch starting around 11.00am.

We encourage attendees who are attending to bring a dish to share with the monastics and the community to celebrate the event.

Click here to register.

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