In conjunction with Ajahn Brahm 72nd Birthday celebration, a devotee of Ajahn has passionately drawn 8 pictures.
The subjects in the drawings consisted of Ajahn & 7 others picked from within the Bodhiyana Monastery respectively.
With our heartfelt Thanks to Sandya Isuranthiranaraja, Sandhya has compiled a booklet illustrating each of these 8 drawings accompanied by Ajahn Brahm hand-written notes.
You can have a copy of the booklet for a donation of $20 each.
The books are available for pickup at the BSV Buddhaloka center or NBM.
Alternatively the book can be ordered online and the book can be mailed to you (email: Please kindly add the postage fee to the $20 donation for each book.
All proceeds from these books go toward the NBM Building fund.
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu 🙏🙏🙏